How to Increase Your Confidence in 30 Seconds? 

The Power of a Smile 

Sabrina Braham MA PCC © 2017

Smiling is an instant tool to increase your self-confidence.

Having a smile on your face triggers the feel good brain chemicals dopamine, endorphins and serotonin.

Smiling people give the appearance of being more successful, more confident, and a more approachable. And another amazing thing happens when you are smiling, it is contagious. You may spontaneously induce the release of dopamine in someone else’s brain too.

Current research proves that smiling impact the body and your continence.

Here are a few of the other benefits:

  • You look Happier
  • You look younger
  • Draws people to you
  • Reduces stress
  • Releases endorphins (natural pain killer),
  • Serotonin (affects mood)
  • Dopamine (increases pleasure)
  • Changes your mood
  • Contagious, it improves the moods of others
  • Improves immune system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Stay more positive (hard to have negative thoughts when you are smiling)

3 Simple & Easy Confidence Building Exercises

  1. Smile for at thirty seconds several times a day
  2. During the day look for opportunities to smile at people, observe how they respond. (99% of the time, positive)
  3. Practice the funny smile– Bite down on a pencil so that the two ends are sticking out the corners of your mouth. Do this 2 or 3 times a day to get your feel good brain chemicals activated!