Championing Gender Equality: Insights from Two Women Leaders

In today’s competitive business landscape, women, especially women of color, often face unique challenges on their path to develop leadership influence. Drawing from profound discussions, we delve into actionable strategies for breaking through barriers and nurturing influential leadership.


Overcoming Biases and Building Leadership Influence

Join us for an insightful continuation of our interview with renowned author Shelmina Abji. Discover how to combat biases in the corporate world and leverage influence and persuasion within your organization to propel your career forward.


Shelmina Babai Abji: A Trailblazer in Leadership and Gender Equality

Shelmina Babai Abji, a former IBM VP and esteemed author, is a vocal advocate for gender equality in leadership. Rising from humble beginnings in Tanzania, she shattered barriers to become one of IBM’s highest-ranking women of color. With a track record of delivering over $1 billion in annual revenues, she now inspires and mentors women globally while serving on the advisory board of Girl Up. Armed with computer science and mathematics degrees, Shelmina’s expertise is sought after worldwide.


Develop Leadership Influence with Shelmina Babai Abji and Women's Leadership Succes Podocast

Shelmina Babai Abji
TEDx speaker | Former IBM Vice President | Angel Investor | Author of Show Your Worth

Overcoming Internal and External Challenges to Develop Leadership Influence (1:42)

Many women face internal barriers from a lack of representation in leadership roles, leading to self-doubt and fear of failure. Additionally, biases from senior leaders can hinder opportunities for advancement. However, recognizing and confronting these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them and learning how to develop leadership influence.


Proactive Relationship Building: Nurturing Connections for Leadership Growth (3:16)

Waiting for recognition isn’t enough. You must proactively engage with supervisors and stakeholders, showcase your value, and initiate conversations about your achievements. Taking the lead in these interactions ensures that your contributions are acknowledged and valued, nurturing connections for leadership growth and influence.


Advocating for Yourself: Asserting Your Value in the Workplace (4:57)

Acknowledging your accomplishments isn’t boasting; it’s necessary for career advancement. During performance reviews, confidently share your achievements to ensure they’re recognized and appreciated. Don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and your contributions; this is vital in asserting your value and fostering leadership growth and influence.


Embracing Growth and Learning: Steppingstones to Leadership Development (7:00)

Failure isn’t the end; it’s an opportunity for growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone and taking on challenges, even if you encounter setbacks, contributes to your long-term development. Embrace these experiences as valuable learning opportunities to enhance your leadership development influence, skills and impact


Tools for Impact: Strategies for Leadership Development Influence (8:23)How to Develop Leadership Influence  - Impact Executive Leadership Mastermind.

Adopting an adventurous mindset in tackling challenges is crucial for growth. Stepping outside your comfort zone builds competence and confidence, essential qualities for effective leadership. Explore intentional growth strategies and embrace opportunities for learning and development to foster leadership growth and influence.


Personal Testimony and Empowerment: Inspiring Others to Lead (10:45)

Personal stories of resilience and perseverance are potent reminders of our potential for growth and success. By sharing our experiences and insights, we empower others to unlock their leadership potential and overcome obstacles in their path, thus inspiring others to lead and develop their influence.


The Power of Mentorship: Guiding Paths to Leadership Excellence (11:23)

Mentorship plays a significant role in career development. Finding the right mentors and sponsors can accelerate your growth and provide invaluable guidance and support. Seek out mentors who can offer insights and advice tailored to your specific goals and aspirations, guiding paths to leadership development, influence, and excellence.


Balancing Work and Personal Life: Harmonizing Priorities for Success (17:12)

Achieving a balance between work and personal life is essential for overall well-being and success. Prioritize self-care and set boundaries to ensure you excel professionally and personally. Remember that taking care of yourself enables you to be your best self in all aspects of your life, harmonizing your priorities for success and enhancing your leadership influence.


Creating a Personal Success Plan: Mapping Strategies for Leadership Development Influence (24:26)

A personal success plan serves as a roadmap for achieving your goals. Identify your long-term objectives and break them down into actionable steps. Align your daily actions with your strategic priorities to ensure steady progress toward your goals, thereby mapping strategies for leadership development and influence.

Listen to Part I Here:  How to Overcome Leadership Self Doubt: A Tech Engineers Story to Inspire Inclusion


A Call to Action for Inclusive Leadership

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let us reflect on our progress and the work still ahead. By confronting challenges head-on, advocating for ourselves, and supporting one another, we can create a more inclusive and empowering environment where all individuals can thrive, succeed in their leadership journeys, and develop leadership influence.

Develop Leadership Influence & Impact: Action for Traction

Listening to a podcast or reading a book is a good start. But the way you will change and grow yourself is to take a small action every time you have an aha from what you have heard or read.

Remember, your unique and authentic personal attributes will be your differentiator.

Here are three possible actions you might consider:

1:  How would I rate my communication skills on a scale of one to 10, with 10 being the best?

2:  What are my top 10 best personal attributes contributing to my success?

3: Ten years from now, how do I want to be remembered by the people who work for me now?

“As you intentionally develop yourself. You’ll improve your ability to create value, and you will begin to be noticed for the value you are creating,”   Shelima Abji, Show Your Worth


Book Your Complimentary Leadership & Career Advancement Session with Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC

If you’re ready to develop Leadership Influence, elevate your leadership, supercharge your career, and boost your income beyond your expectations, it’s time to schedule your complimentary Leadership and career Development Session with me.

I’ve worked with over 300 managers, directors, VPs, and C-Suite leaders, and their success stories speak for themselves (see my 41 LinkedIn client recommendations here)

Check out this executive coaching client video recommendations on coaching with Sabrina

As a seasoned executive coach specializing in leadership and career development, I understand women leaders’ unique challenges, including confidence, compelling storytelling, and navigating the complexities of corporate politics. My mission is to empower professionals like you to master the art of successful leadership, unlock your full capability, and achieve career advancement at a pace you never thought possible.

With my guidance, many clients have seen their promotions happen three times faster, accompanied by a significant increase in their income ranging from 20% to 50% or more.

During our complimentary session, I’ll share three proven strategies to bolster your impact, boost your confidence, and set you apart from the competition. These strategies will advance your career and accelerate your income growth.

Let’s explore how I can tailor my expertise to your unique needs. Even if we determine it’s not the perfect fit, you’ll leave our session with actionable ideas to position yourself as the obvious choice for your next promotion.

Are you open to a quick call to discuss your career aspirations and how I can help you achieve them?

Book Your Complimentary Leadership and Career Development Session on My Calendar Here.

Sabrina Braham MA MFT PCC